Look at my (used) dress

The research project “Look at my (used) dress” is an initiative led by NF&TA, aimed at promoting and increasing the reuse rate of textiles in the Oslo area.

The consumption of clothes and textiles in Norway is high and not sustainable. Only 1.6% of collected used textiles are reused in Norway, while 97% are exported. Previous research and experience from the actors in the used market show that 1) reuse must replace new purchases to be environmentally beneficial, and 2) profitability and scaling of commercial reuse are challenging.

In the project, we will acquire data on the merchandise base, environmental effects, and business models for reuse. By combining dynamic material flow analysis (MFA) with life-cycle analysis (LCA), the project will produce knowledge about the basis and potential for reuse, environmental and climate effects of reuse of textiles. Furthermore, we will develop a methodology to assess the environmental consequences of textile reuse that specifically looks at the replacement rate, i.e., to what extent reuse replaces new products. The goal is to help companies make used purchases more attractive to consumers, thereby increasing the reuse rate in the Oslo area in the long run.

The project is funded by RFF Oslo, started in March 2023, and runs until the first quarter of 2025. The consortium consists of a wide range of players in the textile industry that embraces production, collection, and reuse. Research institutions in the project are NORSUS, SIFO at OsloMet, and Norion Consult, which have complementary knowledge and methods for studying textiles and sustainability.

Participants at SIFO

  • Kirsi Laitala (leader)
  • Anna Schytte Sigaard
  • Ingun Grimstad Klepp
  • Ingrid Haugsrud

External Participants

  • NF&TA (Project leader)
  • Norsus
  • Norion Consult
  • Levd – En tjeneste fra Røde Kors Sirkulært
  • Røde Kors Tøy og Tekstil
  • Lillelam
  • Høst & Vår
  • Voice Norge
  • Fretex
  • Kirkens bymisjon
  • Gjenbruken NLM
  • Om Igjen, Asker kommune
  • Tise
  • Small Matters
  • Norwegian Fashion Hub (NFH)

Project logo with a drawing of a dress